International Day for Biological Diversity-Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health
Our planet Earth is full of diversity, which includes various forms of life. In short, we can say it is the ‘Web of life’ interlinked to each other in one way or another. Though Biodiversity is a complex system it has 3 main pillars — the ecosystem, species and genetic diversity within species. Food is an important link for biodiversity and nutrition meaning well being of the organisms. Nowadays, due to global warming the change in climate predominant which in turn results in the destruction of elements that have a huge impact on the overall ‘Biodiversity Web.’ It includes the cultivated plants and animals which are a part of crop, livestock, forest or aquaculture systems, harvested forest, aquatic species, etc. but the current data given by FAO in 2019 is quite alarming-
- Many important key components of biodiversity for food and agriculture are deteriorating at genetic, species and ecosystem levels.
- The quantity of crops present in the field is lesser than required.
- Approximately 1/3 of fish stocks (33%) are overfished and 1/3 of freshwater fish species are in danger.
- 26% of the local breed of livestock are at risk of extinction in which the risk status of 67% is unknown. Only 7% are not in a danger zone.
This is mainly happening due to the excessive use of pesticides or chemical components which in turn get deposited in the soil and water, endangering the species. To deal with the detonating trend and making it a safer environment for us to live, we can take the following steps:
- Plant trees - According to a survey it is found the if every person plants a tree every year for the next five years, and nurture it properly the global temperature might decrease up to 2 to 3 degrees. This will help resolve most of our problems.
- Save water - Do not waste water unnecessarily as things can turn bad. We are all aware of how Cape Town in South Africa is currently suffering from a water crisis as a result of drought and an increased population over the past three years. It was predicted that the city would run out of fresh water at some point in 2018 reaching a dreaded "Day Zero.” In 2019 the same fate might happen with Bangalore.
- Use renewable energy sources for daily chores like solar and wind power instead of coal and petrol products.
- Start the practice of organic farming instead of using pesticides and chemicals. This can help in decreasing the communicable and ironic degenerative diseases.
- Instead of using private transport one should communicate using public transport and lend a hand in saving the environment.
- Use energy wisely and save money too eg. switching to energy efficient electronics.
The environment is for us and by us, so it is our responsibility that we start working for its betterment.
Happy Life! Healthy Life!!