Yoghurt is one of the delicious and healthy dairy products. It is nutrient-dense and can be consumed as a snack or along with main meals.
Yoghurt is rich in proteins but less in carbohydrates which means it can easily be consumed by diabetics. Yoghurt is a fermented product that is produced as a result of the bacterial fermentation of milk. These bacterias like Bifidobacterium lactis or Lactobacillus caseiare are good for our gut, immunity and overall health.
Good bacterias or probiotics present in yoghurt have been proven excellent for our gut health under several clinical trials. They are essential for our immune cells to function actively and effectively. In addition, numerous studies have associated probiotics with a reduced risk of diabetes and obesity.
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2017 evaluated the association between yoghurt intake and type 2 diabetes. Data analysis found that diabetic people who consumed 80-125 grams of yoghurt per day had a 14% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes as compared to the people who didn’t take yoghurt at all. In addition, it was proposed that probiotics may have a beneficial role in modulating glucose mechanisms and improving insulin sensitivity.
Another study mentioned in the Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, in 2011 evaluated the effect of probiotics on type 2 diabetes. A trial was conducted on 60 diabetic people who consumed 300 grams of probiotic yoghurt daily. At the end of the study, it was found that yoghurt intake was favourable in terms of improving blood glucose levels in a fasted state and decreasing insulin resistance.
Yoghurts are favourable for diabetics due to their low glycemic index. For that, it is very crucial to check the carbohydrate content before consuming. This is because the market is flooded with many flavoured yoghurts which contain added sugar and are rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, to reap the benefits, diabetic people must avoid these sugar-loaded versions and prefer unflavoured, zero or no added sugar ones, for example, unflavoured Greek yoghurt. To add sweetness, yoghurts can easily be blended with fresh fruits like berries or a few raisins to improve the palatability, add variety and treat taste buds.
Yoghurts are high in protein which makes them another reason to be consumed by diabetics. Their high protein content keeps us satiated for long, prevents untimely food cravings and binge eating. The protein present is also of good quality and a complete protein having all nine essential amino acids.
Hence, it can be concluded that yoghurt is good for diabetics due to its rich nutrient content. It is rich in proteins, good bacterias and other nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium potassium, and vitamin B12. It is advisable not to buy any packaged yoghurt without reading its ingredients and the nutritional label. Always opt for low carb, low fat and high protein yoghurt to relish its nutritional benefits.
Salas-Salvadó, J., Guasch-Ferré, M., Díaz-López, A., & Babio, N. (2017). Yogurt and Diabetes: Overview of Recent Observational Studies. The Journal of nutrition, 147(7), 1452S–1461S. https://doi.org/10.3945/jn.117.248229
Ejtahed, Hanie & Nia, J. & Homayouni, Aziz & Niafar, Mitra & Asghari, M. & Mofid, Vahid. (2011). The effects of probiotic and conventional yoghurt on diabetes markers and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes patients: A randomised controlled clinical trial. Iranian J Endocrinol Metabol. 13. 1-8.