The developing countries are facing the burden of rising obesity and continue to be one of the major contributing factors for health complications.
Obesity leads to the start of metabolic alterations and is associated with increased risk of insulin resistance, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type-2 diabetes, dyslipidemia and others.
Metabolic disorder or multifactorial disease impairs health is considered one of the leading causes of death globally.
Asian Indians have a small body size, high-fat body percentage, and despite their thinness, they are centrally obese, with a higher waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).
The long term factors associated with obesity are as follows:-
• Obesity significantly increases the long-term risk of type-2 diabetes.
• It is strongly associated with cardiovascular diseases. Such obese people are more likely to suffer from stroke, hypertension, myocardial infarction and other such health problems.
• Abdominal obesity also causes accumulation of several disorders, also known as metabolic syndrome (MetS).
• The risk of developing endometrial cancer, breast cancer in postmenopausal women and other types of cancer.
Active Lifestyle, Exercise and Healthy Eating
• The imbalance between intake of dietary energy and energy expenditure is the root cause of gaining weight.
• Poor food choices made of high calorie after processing, low fibre foods and low physical activity are the basic forces behind the epidemic.
• The main key to fitness - Exercise training in combination with dietary intervention with highly effective treatment and prevention.
• Foods high in fibre content, rich in nutrients and low in energy-density should be consumed.
• For instance, include fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrain.
• Avoiding fast food, alcohol and sugary drinks help manage obesity better.
• Consumption of fat, carbohydrates, sugar and salt only in recommended amounts.
• Sustained physical activity is required for better appetite control, burning calories and management of obesity. Example a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week reduces the risk of MetS.
• Behavioural Changes Required - Self-monitoring (food intake, exercise, weight) & stress reduction.
A dual balance between lifestyle and diet is required to maintain an ideal weight and reduce the chances of gaining weight which may lead to obesity, the root cause of multifactorial disorders.