• Organic apple cider vinegar that comes with the “mother“ should be consumed as it is unfiltered and consists of friendly bacteria, proteins and enzymes.

• Apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity and lowers the blood sugar levels post meals. It is very effective for treating people with type 2 diabetes.

• Apple cider vinegar lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thus helping to lower the risk of heart diseases.

• It helps to lower blood pressure and improves heart health.

• Using ACV helps to rebalance the pH of the skin, thus improving the skin's protective barrier. It can be diluted and used as a face wash or toner to kill bacteria and prevent spots. One can add apple cider vinegar to their diet as a drink, mixed with water or in cooking, salad dressings, etc. Common dosage is 1-2 tablespoons/day.

• Due to the presence of organic acids like citric acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, and lactic acid ACV may be able to kill the acne-causing bacteria like P. acnes. However, more research is needed on this particular effect of ACV, but some people have reported benefiting from it.

• Scarring or skin discolouration may occur after the acne healing process. The process of chemical peeling that is applying organic acids to the skin helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars. The organic acids promote regeneration as it removes the damaged outer layer of the skin. However, more research is needed on this particular effect of ACV, but some people have reported benefiting from it.

• The organic acids of ACV help to kill bacteria that can cause acne. It also helps to reduce the appearance of scars. However, it may not work for people with severe cases of acne, open wounds or sensitive skin as it can cause burns and skin damage when applied directly to the skin.

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