1) Self-monitoring 

It is hard to keep a track of what you eat, but a lot of research studies show that when we keep track of calories, we tend to eat less. How can you do it? You can keep feeding calories consumed if you have a smartwatch, or else use apps, paper-pen, whatever is feasible for you to do. You will think twice before going for an extra piece of toast.

2) Celebrate and indulge in your cravings wisely

If you mess up with your diet, exercise routine because of weddings, parties, family outings, random movie nights, etc., do not get bogged down and stress yourself thinking how will you manage! We are humans and celebrations should happen, but choose to strategise your meals whenever you go wrong. Do not overindulge in eating. For instance, grab only 1-2 fistfuls of butter popcorns, do not eat the whole packet. If you’re crazy for desserts, have only half of the served portion size to keep control over your portion size. The idea is to indulge wisely, compensate for the calories and learn to keep better control.

3) Learn what to pick and what not to pick

It is known that foods that offer empty calories like sugar, processed foods like refined flour slices of bread, biscuits, other bakery items, fried namkeens, etc. will not provide you with nutrients, but only mostly calories. So invest in eating foods that are nutrient-dense or real foods. Also, beverages with sugar should be avoided. Pick healthy alternatives for eg if you’re dining out start with a grilled or baked appetiser or order a soup. Then, you can order the main course along with a salad portion which is free of unhealthy dressings, to add bulk to your diet.

4) Be consistent and set a goal

Only dreaming or talking of that muscular body, or having an hourglass figure won’t get you there. It goes without saying that working hard and being consistent with your efforts will help achieve the desired weight. If you work out or follow healthy eating habits for only a few days in a week, then again think of being particular with it for the upcoming week or after an upcoming event, it will not give you the results and it may also nullify your previous efforts. Please do not delay, each day counts and every meal and workout counts! Also, setting up a realistic goal helps and keeps you motivated. For instance, set that you will work out for at least 25 days a month and only one meal a week, would be a cheat meal and will maintain the diet for the rest of the days. This will help you lose one inch or up to 3-4 kgs in a month.

5) Do not compare yourself - you’re different 

Understand that losing weight depends upon various factors: age, heredity, body type and composition, weight, medical concern, hormonal imbalance etc. If two individuals start with the same weight loss program, with little variance in these factors, there are chances that one may lead the other despite putting in the same efforts. So, the variance should not let you get demotivated.

To conclude, adherence, self-belief and a positive attitude are the main keys towards successful weight loss.


  • Kolasa, Kathryn & Collier, David & Cable, Kathy. (2010). Weight loss strategies that really work. The Journal of family practice. 59. 378-85.
  • Soleymani, T., Daniel, S., & Garvey, W. T. (2015). Weight maintenance: challenges, tools and strategies for primary care physicians. Obesity Reviews17(1), 81–93. https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.12322

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