Migraine is a cause of competitive busy lifestyle, in which a severe painful headache or pulsing sensation is experienced on one side of the head. It is different from a common headache as  a  throbbing pain experienced, often accompanied by vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. There is no defined treatment for it yet, but avoiding food  that trigger it and including food  may help control the symptoms.

1.) Coffee

High caffeine intake may trigger a migraine  or incase you are addicted to it, a  sudden withdrawal of it may lead to a headache.

2) Aged Cheese

It has high  amounts of tyramine. It is formed when bacteria breaks down the amino acid tyrosine, however the role of tyramine in triggering a migraine is debatable ,but it should be avoided.

3) Alcoholic Beverages

Within a few hours of consumption, alcoholic beverages are believed to initiate a migraine attack. Amongst various types and forms, red wine is believed to trigger a migraine, especially among women. It is believed that it histamine may be blamed for its cause.

4) Processed Meat

Certain processed meat products may  contain nitrites , in the form of preservatives such as potassium nitrite , sodium nitrite and presence of histamine in red meat could possibly contribute to the symptoms.

5) Other Possible Migraine Triggers

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) : it is a kind of flavour enhancer , used in Chinese cuisine for preparations.

6) Aspartame, Sucralose

Artificial sweeteners are used in some dietary supplements or processed foods.

7) Citrus Fruits

A  Migraine is  triggered, is reported, in certain people soon after consumption of  virus fruits.

8) Chocolates

   About 2-22% of people with migraines are  sensitive to chocolate. Although the studies are inconclusive.

To relive symptoms,  a doctor’s consultation is recommended and painkillers , herbal supplements are usually suggested. Coenzyme Q 10 supplementation may be effective. Furthermore, limited evidence also show that inadequate intake of folate, riboflavin and magnesium may elevate the risk of migraines.

In conclusion, there are various dietary factors such as presence of histamine protein in certain foods and tyramine (metabolite of tyrosine protein) which  is  believed to be associated with migraine headaches , but the research is limited and shows mixed results which leads to further investigation.

Also, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid stress, should get enough sound sleep and eat a nutritious and balanced diet and make note of foods or beverages that may trigger a headache.

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