The human body is made up of 70% of water. It is the main solvent of all metabolic pathways in the body. Thus, wise people call water their ‘life.’ A healthy adult should consume at least 2-3 litres of water regularly. But this amount might vary depending upon the physical activity level, temperature, age or incase of some diseased condition. If water intake is inadequate it might cause dehydration and the urine colour changes accordingly. Thus, always monitor the urine colour to understand the body’s signal.

Thirst mechanism: This is an adaptive mechanism of the body to maintain its regular functioning. As we all know to perform any metabolic reaction in the body water is essential. If water is not consumed in a proper manner it might hinder the whole body mechanism. But our body has a homeostatic mechanism which tries to prevent from the sudden shock. Thus, when less water is consumed, in order to maintain the fluid balance across the body, brain activates a signal - thirst signal, and induces the person to consume water. At that same time to maintain the osmotic pressure, kidney plays a part and reabsorbs the water that is meant to form urine. This reabsorption, in turn, changes the colour of the urine.

The correct amount of water needed by the body depends on an individual’s requirement. If there is excess water in the body, it might also prove troublesome, as excess water can cause water retention in the peripheral parts like feet or palm.

Water has no substitution, but still, if your diet is adequate with certain foods, then it helps you to stay hydrated.

Vegetable Juice:

Vegetable juice can be used to hydrate your body. Depending on the particular vegetable use in the preparation it can be infused with vitamins and minerals along with fibre. For eg., fresh lauki juice consumption can help boost the digestion and prove beneficial for a healthy skin.

Coconut Water:

Tender coconut water is a relief during any season. It is boosted with potassium and helps to maintain electrolytic balance in the body.

High Water Content Fruits:

Certain fruits like citrus fruits or watermelon, contain a high amount of water along with electrolytes and vitamins. Regular timely consumption will help to stay hydrated along with maintaining the skin and gut health.


Infused Water:

Infused water is new in trend. Any fruit or herbs soaked in water up to 4-5 hours and then can be consumed. Instead of normal regular water this infused water can be used as a variation.

Mint / Lemon Water:

Regular consumption of mint or lemon-water can help increase the digestion along with  keeping the body hydrated.

So, stay hydrated not only with water, use the above-mentioned foods and be healthy.

Hydration is the key to a healthier you!

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