All five senses have special significance in our life but, the eye is probably preponderant of all senses as it gives the power to sight this captive world. Therefore, healthy eye proffers you a good eyesight.

Eyes are an integral part of our body, they make this beautiful world visible to us. Since eyes help us to see through the world i.e. from the tiny objects to giant objects. Therefore, it becomes important to protect these vital organs from impairment and diseases. Any kind of negligent activity may cause damage to the eyes which in turn, diminishes the quality of life. In the current scenario, people are spending more time in front of computer screens, televisions and mobile phones. All these indoor activities may lead to eye fatigue and increase the risk of age-related eye problems. Ignorance of poor eyesight condition could lead to expensive surgeries or partial blindness.

There are a few simple tips through which you can safeguard your eyes from damage.


A well balanced colourful plate is the key to maintain eye health. Colourful diet means, a diet which includes all the fruits and vegetables as it provides almost all the nutrients required to improve eyesight. However, evidence from studies show that dietary antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds may help in reducing the risk of age-related eye disorders.

Consuming foods rich in vitamin A, E, C, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin may be beneficial for keeping our eyes healthy. Apart from this, vitamin A is crucial for an improved vision as it provides protection to the cornea (surface of the eye). Research shows that eye drops containing vitamin A are more effective in treating dry eye problem (Heiting, 2017).

Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) promoted by the National Eye Institute indicated that high levels of antioxidants and zinc notably diminishes the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and vision loss associated with it. Moreover, researchers also found that people treated with a combination of high-doses of vitamin E, C, beta-carotene and zinc showed a decreased risk of developing advanced stages of AMD by 25%.

Table 1. Shows important nutrients and their sources


Food Sources 

Vitamin A

Plant sources-  Sweet potato, kale, collards, carrot, red bell pepper, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, mustard greens, mangoes, papaya, peaches, cantaloupe, dried apricots.

Animal sources- Cod liver oil, fish, butter, cheese, eggs, meat

Vitamin C

Oranges, citrus fruits, grapefruit, green peppers, red sweet peppers, strawberries, kiwi, tomato, gooseberries.


Plant sources- Seeds (flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame), cashews, almonds, whole grains, dark chocolate,  lima beans, peas, chickpeas, garlic, brown rice, mushrooms.

Animal sources- Meat, shellfish, oysters, eggs, egg yolk, milk, cheese, yogurt, chicken.

Vitamin E

Wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, almond oil, hazelnut oil, avocado, turnip greens.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Plant sources- Flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, soybeans.

Animal sources- Fishes (Mackeral, salmon, herring, sardines, anchovies) fish oil supplements.


By practising a couple of simple exercises regularly may help in improving eye conditions i.e. digital eye strain. This condition is frequently faced by people working on computer screens all day. It may cause dry eyes, eye strain, blurred vision and headaches.

Although eye exercises may not improve vision but they can provide relief to eyes. You can perform these basic exercises in morning, before sleep time or anytime when your eyes feel fatigued.

  • Roll your eyes
  • Focus (near and far focus)
  • Massage your temples
  • Take a mini-nap
  • Figure eight
  • 20-20-20 rule


Whenever you go outside on a sunny day, wear shades to protect eyes from UVA and UVB radiations. Besides this, wearing a wide-brimmed hat could safeguard your eyesight from damage caused by sun rays.


Smoking increases the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and cataract. Moreover, smoking not only harms the eye but other body parts as well.


It is mandatory to wash your hands before touching your eyes or contact lenses. As our eyes are more prone to microbial infections.


  • National Institutes of Health. April 2001. A randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of high-dose supplementation with vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and zinc for age-related macular degeneration and vision loss: AREDS Report No. 8.

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