As data stated by FAO 2012, approx. 1/3 of the food produced goes waste worldwide. This wastage increases during the summer season as the food poisoning bacteria tend to multiply faster in the particular temperature and moisture. Based on the spoilage capacity of food i.e. shelf life food can be divided into 3 basic groups: perishable, semi-perishable and non-perishable foods. The below discussion will guide you with some tips to reduce the spoilage, particularly to reduce the spoilage of perishable goods.

Be Aware Of The Temperature: We all store both raw and cooked food directly in the refrigerator without knowing the proper useful temperature. Keep the refrigerator temperature to its maximum meaning below 5-degree Celsius during summer. The proper temperature can increase the shelf life by 1-2 days. Directly refrigerating hot food increase the chance of spoilage. To deal with that first allow the food temperature to become equal to the room temperature and then store it in the refrigerator.

Plan The Weekly Menu And Shop Accordingly: To reduce the spoilage of food, plan your weekly menu and then shop accordingly for the needful elements. Avoid buying more ingredients especially the perishable ones more than required. Bulk shopping may increase the spoilage and in turn, increase the cost.

Store Food Correctly And Keep The Refrigerator Clutter-Free: Many don’t know what food to store in the refrigerator and how. Storing of fruits and vegetable in an improper way can lead to premature ripening which can eventually lead to rotting. For eg. potato, onion, garlic, banana, avocado, etc. should never be kept in a refrigerator. An overly stocked fridge can lead to more of food spoilage. Here FIFO method should be followed meaning ‘First In First Out’.

Using Of Proper Container: Separate food item should be refrigerated in separate containers with a proper lid. If the cooked leftovers are left open in the refrigerator the shelf life of the item is decreased as well as it might produce a typical odour that might transmit to other raw or cooked food items and ultimately spoil them.

Make A Home Made Stock: Making homemade stock is the easiest way to reduce the food wastage, like using the edible excess portion of chicken or vegetable scraps to make a stock for immediate use. Or if stored in a proper container and then refrigerated, it can be used for weeks.

Don’t Throw the Seeds: Instead of throwing the seeds away, plant them in small pots which can give you the joy of gardening and can prove cost-effective.

Think Smart… Live Smart!

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